
发布者:春天来临 时间:2024-5-22 22:26




英语的高考祝福语 1


Wish you a successful start, high school entrance examination!


I wish all candidates in the world can get ideal results and enter their ideal university.


Mutual support, common struggle: believe in yourself, until the moment of success, laugh at the situation!


I wish you a good result, gold title, return home!


Surpass yourself, challenge yourself, college entrance examination, come on!


Ten years of hardship, all to be tested today. i wish the college entrance examination success!


I sincerely wish that you will be on the list of this years college entrance examination and enter the ideal university in your heart.


I wish you all the right answers, flexible thinking, extraordinary play, step by step beyond. i wish you success in the college entrance examination.


Test, test their own satisfactory results, i wish you good luck in the exam ah!


All your efforts will make you lucky! come on!


College entrance examination is a labor-saving lever to realize your life. At this time, it is your time to shake it, and your life will rise in an arc in the future.


Abandon the idea of fluke, will take a hundred refining into steel; the work of thick integral seconds will make a great success.


More fighting today, more laughter tomorrow. i wish the college entrance examination success, the golden list!


Always break up, always pursue. theres a long way to go. well meet sometime. the college entrance examination goes well!


Handy, the college entrance examination is smooth, ten years of efforts, todays success!


Come on, all senior three!


I wish you good results in the college entrance examination!


Wish you a happy and happy life in gaokao high school!


May the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile belong to you forever!


I wish you success in the college entrance examination and enter the university in your mind!


Sincerely wish you good results in the college entrance examination!


With an ordinary heart to face easily, i believe you will test the ideal results.


Put down the burden, use your brain, be diligent in thinking and review well. i wish you good results in the college entrance examination!


College entrance examination is approaching, as long as you work hard, you can see the smile of the goddess of victory.


Wish examinee can test out ideal result, enter oneself ideal university.


The title of the golden list is only between the fingers. i wish you success and realize your dream!


Motivated but not stressed, nervous but not anxious, quick but not flustered. i wish the college entrance examination a success!


Wish you success and success!


As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of a long way. wish you success in the college entrance examination!


I wish my daughter a success in the college entrance examination and an ideal university. i believe in myself and my mind decides everything!


College entrance examination is around the corner, i wish the majority of candidates test smoothly, the golden list!


Be kind to your hobbies. dont let them make way for your study. let them serve your study.


Last week! leave the best things in the most important place, come on!


The happiest thing in life is hard work, and hard work will surely succeed! senior three, senior sister, come on!


I hope you can take part in the college entrance examination with a normal attitude, and i sincerely wish you the best!


I believe you will be satisfied with the results, on the list!


If you dont achieve your goal, you will never stop. i wish the college entrance examination success!


I wish the college entrance examination every success! dream come true!


Faith tells me that in my life, there is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people.


Tomorrow, we need courage. at this moment, i believe that luck is with you!


Talents win the world, not reveal but also sharp, converge in the heart, exhibit in the line, there is no highest, only higher, college entrance examination refueling!


A hundred days of hard work, three years of hard work will pay off! winning the college entrance examination, parents expectation will come true!


Try and win. i wish you success in the college entrance examination!


Pay sweat, harvest success. all the costs are for a better tomorrow.


I sincerely wish you success in your studies and bright future!


In the face of opportunities, do not hesitate; in the face of choice, no hesitation; dont be afraid in the face of decisive battle.


Broad sea with fish, high sky, let the birds fly, set sail for a long voyage, live up to the dream of youth, college entrance examination refueling!


You can do it! you have to believe in yourself! have confidence in yourself! im waiting for your good news!


Surpass yourself, challenge yourself, challenge weakness, challenge laziness, challenge bad habits.


All ones life, one strives for a certain goal. college entrance examination, come on!


Yiyi must leave at last. i hope to cherish it later. ill have a stronger feeling again. the college entrance examination goes smoothly!


College entrance examination is a battle of youth, dare to fight, can not leave regret. come on, 2021 college entrance examination!


I wish you the best results and good health.


I wish you success, success in the exam, and success in the near future!


Todays classmate break up, say: treasure! ming dynasty alumni meet, congratulations: success!


Striving for college entrance examination, no regret in this life; climb the third year of senior high school and pursue excellence! i wish you good results in the college entrance examination!


Calm down and build my strength; put it together to show my style. i wish the college entrance examination success!


Students, work hard! we can realize our dream! college entrance examination, come on!


Congratulations on your good results in the exam. congratulations on your gold medal!


Its going to be an exam. dont be too nervous! i wish you pass the exam.


Every day is a starting point, every day a little progress, every day a little harvest!


Practice is the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination is practice. Nervous and orderly, efficiency is the key.


Success and failure are temporary, where success falls, it fails, and where failure stands, it succeeds.


Facing the college entrance examination, we should have a good mentality; correct our mind and body, which is worth thousands of gold; as long as we work hard, there will always be a world!


June is the golden day and the beginning of success. I believe you will have a clear conscience and a clear mind.


No matter how hot it is, its impossible to be warm. Everything is possible with confidence. I wish the college entrance examination a smooth and prosperous future.


I wish you every success and success. Treat the college entrance examination calmly, you are the best!


Good mentality, healthy body; give full play to advantages, make up for weaknesses, college entrance examination will win!


Grasp the last time, make the final preparations for the college entrance examination, and strive to enter the ideal university!


Diligently study and practice to welcome the college entrance examination, identify and fill gaps, and establish a solid foundation.


Study hard for several years and enter the exam room, calm and not panicked; Careful and confident in answering questions, one can overcome difficulties with ease; A new chapter in the brilliant brushstroke, showcasing ones talents and stunning talents; I am here to send my blessings, adding infinite beauty to the icing on the cake. On National College Entrance Examination Day, I wish you success and success in the exam!


Fight the college entrance examination and change your destiny. Repeated setbacks and battles, laughing proudly among the heroes.


Struggling hard in the sea of learning, sweat lifts the sail of success. Starting from today, the smokeless battlefield will calm down and retreat thousands of troops. Have a good mindset and carefully review questions, and be quick to think and answer exam papers. A confident life of two hundred years leads to a promising future. On National College Entrance Examination Day, may the students return victoriously.


A healthy body is the foundation, a good academic atmosphere is the condition, diligence and hard work are the prerequisites, learning methods are the key, and psychological quality is the guarantee. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


The road to the college entrance examination is extremely difficult. You need to taste the bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and sweetness, withstand the blow of failure, and withstand temporary tests. The college entrance examination is full of challenges, you need to prepare everything, let go of it, and victory will definitely belong to you!


The examination hall is full of ups and downs, and it is difficult to resist a sudden success. After ten years of hard work, today it is widely known, showcasing a brilliant portrayal of ideals. The sky is high, the future is vast, and the passion of the Kunpeng is boundless. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


Full of faith, write like God; Take more rest and calm down, cultivate your energy and spirit; Thinking must be careful, and both body and mind must be absorbed; Answering questions requires dedication, concentration, and concentration. The mindset of the college entrance examination is the most important, and we always ask for your best. Wishing you great success and success!


No sweat, no hard work, no gain. Todays efforts will definitely be rewarded tomorrow. With confidence, determination, and perseverance, through ones own down-to-earth struggle, the ideals in your heart will surely be realized! Wishing candidates success in the college entrance examination!


As the college entrance examination approaches, the burden will be reduced. Adjust your mindset, improve your skills, relax your mood, challenge and win. After ten years of hard work, repay yourself! Wishing you a normal performance in the college entrance examination, not striving for fame and fortune, and successfully entering your ideal university. Cheer up!


The day of the college entrance examination is approaching. I hope you can adjust your mindset, make good use of it, and get into the ideal university! I am blessing you. It will definitely succeed!


There is no longer a third year high school student, I advise you to cherish it. A year of experience, a lifetime of wealth, friend, sprint! Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


Constant dripping wears away stones in the college entrance examination; As the song goes, time should have no regrets.


The college entrance examination is coming soon, I hope all college students can enter easily! Answer the question carefully! Seriously check! Xiaoxiao, hand in the exam freely! Please believe that as long as you put in hard work, there will always be fruitful results!


I want to say I love you, it feels too heavy; I want to say I like it, but it feels too light; Day after day, day after day, and night after night without sleep, I can only count the green beads of lovesickness and send them to your window with the stars and moon. Wishing you all the best in the college entrance examination!


The bitter sea has its limits. There is no limit to learning, those who are determined fight for the college entrance examination, while those who are lazy fear the college entrance examination.


The college entrance examination is approaching, and we hope that all college entrance exam students can easily enter! Answer the question carefully! Seriously check! Xiaoxiao, hand in the exam freely! Please believe that as long as you put in hard work, there will always be fruitful results!


On that day, I checked into the best hotel in the county town; That night, we got together to talk about our worries; At that time, we discussed the last days exam with each other; At that time, it was even more difficult to eat well and sleep well. Recalling that years college entrance examination, there were too many expectations, some nervousness, and even infinite perfection!


The college entrance examination is only the first stop of your success, and you will definitely pass it. After working hard, the rest is to believe in yourself!


Where there is a will, there is a way, and ones spirit is full of energy. The title of a gold medal will eventually come true; A hardworking person never fails, but through hard study in a cold window, one can become famous and known throughout the world. As the college entrance examination approaches, may you present your state and answer the satisfactory answer sheet for your own life, with smooth sailing.


Ten Year Attack Book Transfer: Cold and bitter, tonight we will conquer the Heavenly Road; Looking back at the past efforts, splashing ink and rolling sleeves; Congratulations, congratulations, this battle is Qingyun Pingbu. Congratulations on winning the gold medal in the college entrance examination.


Only with love and hard work can we win. We have no regrets in our youth!


I hope you will go all out with the fullest enthusiasm, the highest fighting spirit, the most hardworking spirit, the most tenacious perseverance, persevere to the end, and confidently welcome the college entrance examination to strive for excellent results!


The college entrance examination is a big melting pot, where your sweat is made into a natural outcome. Your hard work is made into a victory through the melting pot, and your hard work is forged into a success in hand through the melting pot. May you achieve good results and rank high in the imperial examination.


Dont be impatient when the college entrance examination arrives, calm down and take the exam. Be quick in thinking and dont be confused. Its easy first, then difficult. Enter the exam room early and never be late. Familiarize yourself with the environment and keep your mind clear. Its good to have a full and light meal in the morning, and read the questions carefully without taking risks. Wishing you good grades and joy in winning the gold medal.


Dont let mentality issues occupy a lot of your energy. The college entrance examination requires not only mentality, but also strength.


Notes should be easy to read and should be read frequently. This is another textbook. Cheer up for the college entrance examination!


The countdown on the blackboard is not so much a countdown to the days before the college entrance examination, but rather a countdown to the final days of high school life.


Wishing you success on the battlefield of the college entrance examination, overcoming obstacles and achieving your own success with the momentum of a woman who never fails!


Dear classmate, you are about to enter the battlefield of the college entrance examination in a few days. I am here to wish you good grades and admission to your ideal school.


You have a colorful world under your pen: May you, and I believe in you, have another brilliant picture under your pen. The college entrance examination went smoothly!


Silver is at the top, and gold is constantly changing. Strict on weekdays and calm in the college entrance examination.


Passionate, undefeated in the college entrance examination, with high morale, I am the strongest.


Children, in the face of the college entrance examination, maintain the kindness and purity of your soul, the passion and richness of your emotions, and the enterprising and passionate spirit of your spirit!


Tears are not our answer, hard work is our choice.


Its okay after the college entrance examination. After this moment, youll be better. As I told you last time, youll really have an advantage when you get to college. Come on! Waiting for your college wine!


On the path of the college entrance examination, only those who persevere and strive upwards can reach the pinnacle of victory.


Life is beautiful for some people, who strive for a certain goal throughout their lives. College entrance examination, come on!


After ten years of hard work and fame, parents all know that studying sages and learning non one-way paths day and night, maintaining a stable mindset, and ultimately achieving good grades. Wishing all candidates great success in the college entrance examination.


I know that the college entrance examination is difficult, but I also know that if I dont work hard, it will be even more difficult in the future.


Strive to change fate, inspire and illuminate life.



The college entrance examination is not far away, so cheer up.


The Heavenly Way rewards diligence and makes up for awkwardness. After a year of hard work, the sky is vast.


Challenging life is my regretless choice, and winning the college entrance examination is my unremitting pursuit.


Be down-to-earth and strive to prepare for battle; Be confident and meet challenges; Treat the college entrance examination calmly and calmly; A clever pen brings forth flowers, and the title of a gold medal. Believe in yourself, you can definitely do it!


Instead of regretting today with tears, its better to work hard today with sweat.


The title of the Golden List has a bright future, and the lofty aspirations are fully displayed today.


After ten years of hard work and hardship, only to transform into a dragon in one day. Today, you have achieved great success in your life, with the soaring clouds on the Qingyun Road and the success of the college entrance examination. Sincere blessings are in your heart, and may your life be smooth sailing.


Weave strength with sweat, achieve dreams with perseverance, and create brilliance with hard work.


Years later, what brings tears to our eyes is not the scores in the college entrance examination, but the days of rushing to review without a mobile phone or computer.


Its time for the exam, let go of the tension in your previous studies, and face it with a calm heart. I believe you will achieve your ideal grades in the exam. May good luck always accompany you!


The phoenix flowers are emitting bright red, and the wind is quietly blowing. Dear friend, please shake hands, and we will all go west and east tomorrow! But dont forget our agreement: Success in the college entrance examination!


Stand tall and have lofty aspirations, be down-to-earth, study hard, think hard, maintain a stable mindset, never give up, and work hard to win. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


Study hard and practice hard. You have perseverance, strive hard without leaving any effort, sprint forward with all your strength, take the college entrance exam with you, and answer questions effortlessly. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination awesome.


Face the college entrance examination with confidence, be calm before it, be happy when facing it, and be careful in your answers. I believe you can.


Hard work pays off, confidence is quite important; More or less troubles, relaxation is essential; Give yourself a smile, and you will be greeted with a beautiful scenery. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination and soaring to the sky!


After ten years of hard study, I embarked on the path of the college entrance examination; Attitude is the key to the exam, take the exam seriously; Easily answer all the questions correctly; Wishing you good grades in the exam!


Wishing you success in the college entrance examination, as the path to success begins at your feet. Come on!


The college entrance examination is coming soon. I hope you can overcome various psychological pressures, pay attention to strengthening nutrition, maintain a good mental state, follow the teachers instructions, and I believe you will definitely excel and achieve success!


There are no failures in the college entrance examination, and the profound thinking experiences and feelings it brings to everyone are invaluable assets. The process of striving for our ideals has much greater significance than the unknown results.


The journey of life is short and long, allowing us all to shine a light of understanding. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


Spring is a green world, and autumn is a golden world. May you use the green of youth to brew the golden autumn of the future. Come on!


Cherish the fact that a hundred days are still short, and see the unity and hard work of the city come first; A moment of careful arrangement is even longer than a dragon fighting for a tiger. Who is the champion?


Mom and Dad wish you all the best in the college entrance examination! Extraordinary performance, top of the charts! I will definitely be admitted to my ideal university!


The exam went smoothly and the results were brilliant!


After ten years of hard study and embarking on the path of the college entrance examination, one should have a calm mindset and full confidence. When dealing with the exam papers, if there is a spirit in writing, the message will send blessings. May you succeed in high school and become a successful candidate on the gold list.


We firmly believe that only through hard work can victory be achieved.


The law of heaven rewards diligence. Dont be afraid of a bleak future. True talent wins, and think hard at this moment.


The Book Mountain has a path of diligence, starting from the peak and overlooking the small mountains. Cheer up for the college entrance examination!


The college entrance examination is like buying stocks. Investing alone is not enough, you need to observe and analyze, and the key is to balance it!


The lamp of life is ignited by passion, and the boat of life moves forward through hard work.


Quiet, ready to move, active, and carefree. For the college entrance examination, the balance of movement and stillness is appropriate, and the accumulation of knowledge is beneficial.


Strive for the college entrance examination and have no regrets in this life; Beyond high school seniors, pursue excellence!


On the scorching summer day, the college entrance examination is approaching, full of confidence, trembling spirit, a good mentality, full of literary talent, careful examination of questions, precise writing, and the use of talent. I wish you success and success in everything.


Blossoms bloom and fallen plums bloom with pride and snow, hoping for the new spring. Spring has passed, and the long winds and waves come to welcome the college entrance examination.


Persist for several years, study hard for many years, only for today, maintain a calm heart, raise a smiling face, face challenges, take the college entrance examination, change fate, create good results, and win! Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


The college entrance examination paper is a ruler with uneven scales: for yourself, the score of a difficult problem may not be high.


The high goal of the third year high school entrance examination is to study hard and strive for excellence.


Time waits for no one, every minute counts to prepare for the college entrance examination.


For youth, for dreams, strive! Persist! Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


On the day of success, fly even higher. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


You should have confidence in dealing with the college entrance examination, be calm before the exam, be happy when facing the exam, be careful in your answers, and be willing to excel and achieve success as soon as the exam arrives.


Look at success with pessimism and failure with optimism. Relax and look at yourself, be tolerant and look at others. Look at problems rationally, and look at life purely. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!


At the beginning, ten thousand days may seem far away, but at the end of the day, a thousand years may still be like an instant. Cheer up for the college entrance examination!


I hope you can achieve good results in the college entrance examination, and go to the university you want to go with those who want to be together. Come on.


The test paper is fragrant with ink, and a thousand words are written with a golden pen. Calm in thought, carefree in writing. Please enjoy being ordinary and avoid being flustered. After swimming freely in the sea of questions, you will be ranked as the king on the gold list. The college entrance examination was held in June. Wishing you success.


Dont have any psychological pressure during the college entrance examination. Just play normally and you will be the best.


If there is a lack of courage to break through the ground and fight against the wind and snow, the future of the seed is no better than that of a fallen leaf.


After the college entrance examination, dont forget to smile. Have a good sleep when you have time, theres no need to be nervous and suffer. Open the embrace of Kunpeng and soar straight up to the blue clouds and nine skies. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination and winning the gold medal!


Good brother! This years college entrance examination belongs to you! Believe in yourself, you are the best! Wishing you success in the college entrance examination! Amazing! Top of the Golden List!


oday there will be more fighting, and tomorrow there will be more laughter.


No matter how hard or tired you are, you must learn! I will pick the college entrance examination laurel.


With the spring breeze blowing and the drums beating, no one is afraid of anyone in this years college entrance examination!


Students of the college entrance examination, may you have the pride of a warrior putting your sword into its sheath at the moment you close your pen cap. Cheer up for the college entrance examination!

英语的高考祝福语 2


May the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile belong to you forever! I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

2、只要路是对的,就不怕路远 。祝愿你高考成功!

As long as the road is right, we are not afraid to go far. Wish you success in the college entrance examination!

3、六月:日天,是金色的日子,是成功的开始,因为我问心无愧,胸有成竹 。

June: Sunday is the golden day, the beginning of success, because I have a clear conscience.


I wish you a bright future, a bright future and a bright future. I wish you a smooth and free mind. I wish you a close relationship with the test scores!


Healthy body is the foundation, good style of study is the condition, hard work is the premise, learning method is the key, psychological quality is the guarantee!

6、十年寒窗苦,全待今朝验 。祝高考顺利!

Ten years of hardship, all to be tested today. Wish the college entrance examination smooth!


For the college entrance examination friends, all the college entrance examination friends, sincerely bless you in this years college entrance examination gold list title, into the heart of the ideal university!

8、生命之中最欢乐的是拼搏,而非成功,生命之中最痛苦的是懒散,而非失败 。

The happiest thing in life is to strive, not to succeed. The most painful thing in life is to be lazy, not to fail.

9、过去的事已经一去不复返 。聪明的人是研究此刻和未来,根本无暇去想过去的事 。

The past is gone forever. Smart people study the present and the future, and have no time to think about the past.

10、十年攻书寒苦,今宵征冲天路;回眸从前付出,泼墨卷袖书;恭祝,恭祝,此战青云平步 。祝高考金榜题名 。

In the past ten years, Ive been fighting for books. Tonight, Im going to fight for heaven. Looking back on my past efforts, Ive splashed ink on my sleeve books. Congratulations, Congratulations, this battle is a peaceful one. I wish you the best title in the college entrance examination.

11、高考是一个实现人生的省力杠杆,此时是你撬动它的最佳时机,并且以后你的人生会呈弧线上升 。

College entrance examination is a labor-saving lever to realize life. This is the best time for you to pry it, and your life will rise in an arc in the future.

12、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难 。祝愿你高考成功!

There are thousands of plans for those who have a will, but for those who have no will, there are only thousands of difficulties. Wish you success in the college entrance examination!

13、我不怕六月的高考,我怕的是六月的离别 。我不怕九月的新面孔,我怕的是再也见不到那些我想要见的人 。

Im not afraid of the college entrance examination in June. Im afraid of the parting in June. Im not afraid of Septembers new faces. Im afraid that I will never see the people I want to see again.

14、亲爱的同学,还有几天你就要踏进高考的战场,我在这里祝你考出好成绩,考进你心目中理想的学校 。

Dear students, you will step into the battle field of college entrance examination in a few days. Im here to wish you good grades and enter your ideal school.

15、一年一考年年考,高考并非华容道 。人生大考多在后,全力拼搏有精彩!

Every year, every year, the college entrance examination is not Huarong Road. After the big test of life, its wonderful to work hard!


Good boy! To believe in yourself, in my mind you are always the best, life can have a few fights, this fight!


At this moment, there are thousands of words to say to you, you are the best, the ideal school is waiting for you, go ahead! I will always support you!

18、没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功 。努力吧,希望会属于你的 。

No pay, no gain, only the uphill road is the most difficult to walk, believe that they can succeed, they will succeed. Work hard, hope it will belong to you.

19、作为一次经历,失败有时比成功更有价值 。失败可以给我们留下更深刻而持久的记忆和思考,祝金榜题名!

As an experience, failure is sometimes more valuable than success. Failure can leave us a deeper and lasting memory and thinking, I wish the golden list title!

20、愿全国所有的考生都能以平常的心态参加高考,发挥自己的水平,考上理想的学校 。我真心地祝福你们 。

I hope that all the candidates in the country can take part in the college entrance examination with a normal attitude, give full play to their own level, and enter the ideal school. I sincerely wish you all the best.

21、圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上 。祝你高考成功!

Saints and ordinary people often differ by only a small step, which often needs extraordinary perseverance to catch up. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!


For the college entrance examination of all the friends to participate in the college entrance examination no matter how we go through heartfelt blessing you in this years college entrance examination gold list title, admitted to the ideal university in mind!

23、人有时是要勉强自我的 。我们需要一种来自自身的强有力的能量推动自我闯出一个新的境界来 。

Sometimes people have to force themselves. We need a powerful energy from ourselves to push ourselves to a new level.

24、以往我也应对高考,此刻有点旁观咯,祝福他们吧,现实象个石头,精神象个蛋,石头虽然坚硬,可蛋才是生命 。

In the past, I also dealt with the college entrance examination. At this moment, Im a little watching. I wish them well. Reality is like a stone, spirit is like an egg. Although stone is hard, egg is life.

25、希望你一生平安,幸福,像燕雀般起步,像大雁般云游,早日像鹰一样翱翔 。

I hope you will have a safe and happy life, start like a bird, travel like a wild goose, and soar like an eagle as soon as possible.

26、舍我其谁,群雄逐鹿鹿死谁手尚待一朝试锋芒,万木争春春在何处但将今夕放眼量,祝愿您考试顺利啊 。

Who is willing to give up? Its up to us to try our best. Where is WanMu fighting for spring and spring? But well look ahead tonight and wish you a smooth exam.

27、你笔下拥有一个色彩绚丽的世界:愿你,也相信你,拥有另一个笔下灿烂的图景 。高考顺利!

You have a colorful world in your pen: wish you, and believe you, have another brilliant picture in your pen. College entrance examination goes well!

28、人生之旅短暂而漫长,让我们都能发出理解之光,信念告诉我的人生,没有比脚更长的道路,没有比人更高的山峰 。

The journey of life is short and long, so we can all send out the light of understanding. Faith tells me that there is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people.

英语的高考祝福语 3


This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.


I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.


Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.


Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.


Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.


The study certainly is not the life complete. But, sincecontinually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what butalso can make?


Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.


Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.


Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.


Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful taste.


Nobody can casually succeed .


The education level represents the income.


The dog equally study, the gentlenman equally plays.


Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.


Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.

英语的高考祝福语 4


To surpass oneself, to challenge oneself, to challenge weakness, to challenge laziness, to challenge bad habits.


Every day is a starting point, every day a little progress, every day a little harvest!


It is dark in front of the blind, but a bright road can also be opened up under their feet.


Good mentality, healthy body; give full play to advantages, make up for weaknesses, college entrance examination will win!


Faith tells us that there is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than human.


Grasp the last time, make the final preparations for the college entrance examination, and strive to enter the ideal university!


Facing the college entrance examination, we should have a good mentality; correct our mind and body, which is worth thousands of gold; as long as we work hard, there will always be a world!


Faith tells me that there is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than human.


June is the golden day and the beginning of success. I believe you will have a clear conscience and a clear mind.


Any limitation starts from ones own heart. Every effort must be redoubled.


No matter how hot it is, its impossible to be warm. Everything is possible with confidence. I wish the college entrance examination a smooth and prosperous future.


I wish you every success and success. Treat the college entrance examination calmly, you are the best!


You have your red, orange, yellow and green, I have my blue, indigo and purple, the sky belongs to you, because you are young.


Practice is the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination is practice. Nervous and orderly, efficiency is the key.


Success has no chance to rehearse. Every day you have to dress up as a formal player.


Success and failure are temporary, where success falls, it fails, and where failure stands, it succeeds.


You have a colorful world in your writing: wish you, believe you, have another brilliant picture in your writing.


May the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile always belong to you! Wish you a smooth college entrance examination!


Anyone who relaxes their demands, no matter how glorious your past, may soon fall behind.


The happiest thing in life is struggle, not success. The most painful thing in life is laziness, not failure.


Faint utilitarianism, light loading forward; regardless of pay, perseverance; not to achieve the goal, vow not to stop.


Be kind to your hobbies, dont let them make way for learning, let them serve for learning.


Talents win the world, not reveal but also sharp, converge in the heart, exhibit in the line, there is no highest, only higher, college entrance examination refueling!


Without the courage to break the ground and fight against the wind and snow, the future of seeds is no better than that of deciduous leaves.

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